Ten Ridiculously Useful Hacks For Every Day Life.

Chimdalu Udenwagu
5 min readJan 14, 2024


Every human is constantly looking for a little something here and there to make the process of living a little easier.

It might be physical, mental, or emotional but as Google defines it -Hacks- are strategies or techniques adopted to manage one’s time and daily activities more efficiently.

Life hacks are tips, tricks, and productive methods of doing day-to-day tasks. They encompass several activities ranging from tying shoelaces to handling conflict. This provides limitless fun, easy, and incredibly better ways to handle otherwise mundane activities.

Now, let’s explore a few fun and maybe mischievous strategies to make a pretty difference in your daily tasks.

1. If you put something down temporarily, say it out loud.

We have all been victims to our brain’s, sometimes, unhumurous antics. You know, the one where we step into a room to pick something, and for minutes on end our memory glitches.

While it is difficult to pull memories from the past in this situation, findings say that a good way to combat it in the present is by saying out loud what we might have dropped temporarily and where we dropped it.

Saying things out loud commits it to your long-term memory because it activates certain areas of your brain, particularly the language center. Hearing oneself signals the brain that the information must be important. Hence, this hack helps create a heightened memory for items.

2. If you have trouble making a decision, flip a coin.

If you are nearly as indecisive as I can be, this is for you.

We often put off making decisions for several reasons starting from a fear of consequences to having numerous options. But, a lot of decisions cannot wait till we finally get around our fears or ‘valid’ reasons.

A quick way to handle this is by flipping a coin. A little old-school, yes, but here’s the trick; When you flip a coin, your mind immediately begins to wish for what it wants.

So, whether your options are binary or more, assign consequences to each of them then flip a coin, before the coin lands or after it has and you’ve covered it with your palm, your mind will single out the option it greatly desires.

Do not lift your palm off the coin after you’ve narrowed down your decision, it might confuse you. The flip has accomplished its task and you do not need to know the ‘actual’ results.

3. Get ice cream for a headache.

Yupp! You read that right.

I truly dislike popping pills. I rarely do it for illnesses and if there’s a chance of avoiding it for headaches, I’m grabbing it.

Findings have proved that Ice Cream helps!

In several cases, migraines are caused by an increased acidity level in the stomach, and ice cream, for a long time, has been a solution for acidity. Therefore, consuming ice cream when having a headache reduces the acidity level in the stomach and soothes the migraine.

Other findings show that a brain freeze is also a great remedy.

A brain freeze is an intense pain/headache caused by an intake of ice, very cold water, or ice cream. This usually lasts a few seconds or a minute and passes.

Researchers believe that the cold in chilled water helps in constricting the arterial cerebral artery and restricting the blood flow to the brain which aids in relieving the migraine.

Technically, you will be curing a prolonged migraine with a headache that lasts just a few seconds. But, hey, it is a fair trade and a great reason to get some ice cream.

To avoid extra calories that might come with ice cream, you could try just ice or chilled water.

4. If you bring something you don’t want to forget as a visitor, keep your car keys next to it.

If you walk into someone’s house with an item you are bound to forget, keep it close to your car keys. You will almost always remember where your car keys are at any given time and, if this is applied, you will find your item right next to it. Hence killing two stones with one bird.

Please, and please, this works only with people and homes you trust.

5. Don’t start an apology with ‘ I’m sorry if. . .’

‘If’ in an apology reeks of ego and insincerity. An ‘If’ means you are questioning the validity of a person’s reaction to your misbehavior. It also means, ‘I really don’t want to do this, but I guess I have to’.

It’s giving. . . pride.

There are a million ways to begin an actual heartfelt apology and I suggest that while you do your research, you delete ‘if’ completely from your vocabulary. . . at least in this context.

6. Try asking ‘And what do you love doing with your life?’

‘What do you do for a living?’ can be a scary question sometimes. Especially for people who do not love their jobs or who are not proud of it. This makes it an innocent way to make people less inclined to open up to you during conversations.

Ask ‘What do you love doing with your life?’ instead and watch the beautiful layers unfold.

This will make people tilt towards you like a sunflower to the sun and open up about their hobbies and activities they are passionate about. If these activities happen to be their job, it becomes a win-win situation all round.

7. Learn something new everyday.

Open a book. . . please.

Watch a crime or sci-fi movie.

Check the meaning of that new word immediately, you won’t remember if you leave it for later.

Try out a hobby you have been eyeing for the longest time.

Shoot your shot and probably get rejected. It’s uhm. . . character development.

Take courses, even if it’s just for fun.

Make it a point of duty to gain knowledge every single day.

8. Remembering someone’s name. . .

I don’t know about you, but I forget names within seconds. You tell me your name now and I’m staring at you like a Llama 5 minutes later trying to recall the movement of your lips and, in turn, your name. So, this hack might be more for me than for you.

People say, that to memorize names and have them stored semi-permanently, you should say a person’s name back to them when you are told, then repeat it under your breath. This technique also helps you get corrected if you misheard or mispronounced their names.

9. For writing. . .

I heard that an easy way to get your creative and writing juices flowing is to use the Comic Sans font. This font gives a simple, relaxed vibe that has you typing away, as opposed to Times New Roman where there’s the pressure for immediate perfection.

So, the next time you have an essay, assignment, article or whatever, start your journey with the Comic Sans font and remember to change it to the appropriate one when you’re done.

10. Stand on business every single day.

Be clear about what you want for your life, set the necessary goals, and be intentional about taking action. Be strict, rigid, and inflexible with your standards. Anything that has you lowering essential standards will reveal its unworthiness of that action soon enough.

In essence. . . no gree for anybody.

Which life hacks will you be practicing soon and which do you already know and practice?



Chimdalu Udenwagu
Chimdalu Udenwagu

Written by Chimdalu Udenwagu

Painting with words one stroke of my pen at a time. . . To employ my services, please contact: chimdaluudenwagu@gmail.com

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